

SMC has offices throughout India, so we can reach clients efficiently practically anywhere.
Our personalized service and streamlined documentation gets your product to you faster.

Mr. Arvind Pal

SMC has offices throughout India, so we can reach clients efficiently practically anywhere.
Our personalized service and streamlined documentation gets your product to you faster.
Mr. Arvind Pal
Home > Loan against Securities

Loan Against Securities

At SMC Finance, we understand how much you value your investments and want them to remain as your long term investments. With our Loan against Securities offer, you can meet immediate cash requirements without having to liquidate the securities.

With SMC Finance's Loan against securities, you can get credit against your securities like Equity Shares, Mutual Fund Units while still retaining ownership.


  • Loan Available against Approved Securities:
  • Tailor made scheme to cater to the needs of all segments of investors.




  • No EMI (Flexibility in tenure and repayment options)
  • No Pre-payment Charges
  • Quick turn-around times
  • Ease of documentation
  • Interest charged only on daily utilised balance


For more information
please write to us at

  • Individual (Age 18 - 60 yrs)/ HUF/ Corporate / LLPs.
  • Salary/Income / Cash flow to establish source of repayment
  • Securities offered shall be in approved list.

Rates and Charges

Loan against Securities comes to you at attractive interest rates ranging from 12% to 18%, which are based on the trends prevailing in the market at the time of the loan.  The rates may vary according to the product variant.




Description of Charge

Loan Against Securities

Pre-payment Charge


Penal Interest


Cheque return charge

Rs. 750/-


** Service Tax and other Government taxes, levies, etc. applicable as per the prevailing rates will be charged n addition to these charges.


Service Charge

  • Stamp duty for the loan document and other documents will be paid by the borrower.


  • Application Form
  • Proof of both identity and address
  • Income tax return for last two years with following supporting documents:

     (a) Salaried:(I) Latest Form-16 and IT returns (II) Computation of total income

    (b) Self employed: (i) Profit/ Loss Account (ii) Balance Sheet (For Individual/HUF)


    Income tax return for last three years with following supporting documents:

    (i) Profit/loss Accounts (ii) Audited Balance Sheet (iii) Computation of total income (For Non-Individual)


  • Copy of last 3 months' Bank Statements, showing salary or your current/saving account, for last 3 months (in case of self employed individual)..
  • Basic KYC Documents
  • FATCA Declaration


  • The securities must be in demat form, except mutual funds.

  • Approved securities list is subject to change from time to time.

  • LTV of maximum 50% to be maintained at all times. (in case of loan against listed shares).


*LTV - Loan to value ratio

What is Loan Against Securities?

As the name suggests itself, you can borrow funds against the securities you are holding. Securities here mean listed securities such as shares, mutual funds, insurance, bonds,etc. For availing this Loan you simply have to pledge your shares.


What is the purpose of Loan against Securities?

The purpose of loan against securities is to take care of all your investments as well as personal needs, and to help you meet your contingencies.


What is the interest rate for loan against Securities?

SMC Finance offers you Loan Against Securities at a very attractive rate of interest. To know more about interest rate click here. Other charges would also be applicable.


What is the minimum margin that I have to maintain?

As per RBI norms, a minimum 50% margin must be maintained on shares.


Does shares re-value? What if its value decreases?

At SMC Finance, we follow the system of daily monitoring of portfolio based on the market price. If at the price of shares decreases, resulting in any margin shortfall then the customer has to immediately make good by providing additional shares or making part repayment.


What are the documents required for Loan Against Shares?

For Loan Against Shares standard documents such as application form, LAS kit, Photograph, PAN card, ID proof, address proof, Demat statement (last 6 months), Bank statement (last 3 months) etc. are required. For more information click here.




For more information
please write to us at

Capital Market Loans > Loan Against Securities    
Loan Against Securities

At SMC Finance, we understand how much you value your investments and want them to remain as your long term investments. With our Loan against Securities offer, you can meet immediate cash requirements without having to liquidate the securities.
With SMC Finance's Loan against Securities, you can get credit against your securities like Equity Shares, Mutual Fund Units while still retaining ownership.


SMC has offices throughout India, so we can reach clients efficiently practically anywhere.
Our personalized service and streamlined documentation gets your product to you faster.

Mr. Arvind Pal

SMC has offices throughout India, so we can reach clients efficiently practically anywhere.
Our personalized service and streamlined documentation gets your product to you faster.
Mr. Arvind Pal
  • Loan Available against Approved Securities:
  • Tailor made scheme to cater to the needs of all segments of investors.NSE /





  • Individual (Age 18 - 60 yrs)/ HUF/ Corporate / LLPs.
  • Salary/Income / Cash flow to establish source of repayment
  • Securities offered shall be in approved list.




Rates and Charges

Loan against Securities comes to you at attractive interest rates ranging from 12% to 18%, which are based on the trends prevailing in the market at the time of the loan.  The rates may vary according to the product variant.




Description of Charge

Loan Against Securities

Pre-payment Charge


Penal Interest


Cheque return charge

Rs. 750/-


** Service Tax and other Government taxes, levies, etc. applicable as per the prevailing rates will be charged n addition to these charges.


Service Charge

  • Stamp duty for the loan document and other documents will be paid by the borrower.




  • Application Form
  • Basic KYC Documents
  • Signing of LAS Kit
  • Client Registration Form
  • FATCA Declaration





  • The securities must be in demat form, except mutual funds.

  • Approved securities list is subject to change from time to time.

  • LTV of maximum 50% to be maintained at all times. (in case of loan against listed shares).



*LTV - Loan to value ratio


What is Loan Against Securities?

As the name suggests itself, you can borrow funds against the securities you are holding. Securities here mean listed securities such as shares, mutual funds, insurance, bonds,etc. For availing this Loan you simply have to pledge your shares.


What is the purpose of Loan against Securities?

The purpose of loan against securities is to take care of all your investments as well as personal needs, and to help you meet your contingencies.


What is the interest rate for loan against Securities?

SMC Finance offers you Loan Against Securities at a very attractive rate of interest. To know more about interest rate click here. Other charges would also be applicable.


What is the minimum margin that I have to maintain?

As per RBI norms, a minimum 50% margin must be maintained on shares.


Does shares re-value? What if its value decreases?

At SMC Finance, we follow the system of daily monitoring of portfolio based on the market price. If at the price of shares decreases, resulting in any margin shortfall then the customer has to immediately make good by providing additional shares or making part repayment.


What are the documents required for Loan Against Shares?

For Loan Against Shares standard documents such as application form, LAS kit, Photograph, PAN card, ID proof, address proof, Demat statement (last 6 months), Bank statement (last 3 months) etc. are required. For more information click here.


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